McCool, Droopy (6)
Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Species: Kitonak
Relations: Max Rebo Band
Events: Jedi Rocks (ROTJ)
Droopy McCool, once known by the alias Snit, was a Kitonak member of the Max Rebo Band. McCool's true name was a series of whistles which was incomprehensible to most non-Kitonaks. He was from the planet Kirdo III, and played a flute made from a hollow chidinkalu plant from his home planet.


Complete list
Barquin D'an and Droopy McCool (84019) The Max Rebo Band (C.MAX2) The Max Rebo Band (C.MAX4) The Max Rebo Band (C.MAX6) Music and Musicians (C.MUS2) 0989 : Unit : Tamtel Skreej
The Power of the Force : The Max Rebo Band Pairs
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
SWTCG : Cards
Barquin D'an and Droopy McCool (84019)
The Max Rebo Band (C.MAX2)
The Max Rebo Band (C.MAX4)
The Max Rebo Band (C.MAX6)
Music and Musicians (C.MUS2)
0989 : Unit : Tamtel Skreej
84019 / 69670
Tags (4)

D'an, Barquin | Bith | Max Rebo Band | Kitonak

Tags (12)

Max Rebo Band | Snootles, Sy | Pa'lowick | Yowza, Joh | Yuzzum | Tivtotolon, Rapotwanalantonee | Shawda Ubb | Jendowanian, Greeata | Rodian | Sant, Rystall | Theelin | Kitonak

Tags (7)

Max Rebo Band | Kitonak | Me, Lyn | Twi'lek | Jendowanian, Greeata | Rodian | Tatooine

Tags (15)

Max Rebo Band | Jabba's Organization (Tatooine) | Tatooine | Jawa | Rebo, Max | Ortolan | Kitonak | Sant, Rystall | Theelin | Snootles, Sy | Pa'lowick | D'an, Barquin | Bith | Bodonawieedo, Doda | Rodian

Tags (21)

Tatooine | Max Rebo Band | Kitonak | Rebo, Max | Ortolan | Bodonawieedo, Doda | Rodian | Yowza, Joh | Yuzzum | D'an, Barquin | Bith | Tivtotolon, Rapotwanalantonee | Shawda Ubb | Snootles, Sy | Pa'lowick | Jendowanian, Greeata | Me, Lyn | Twi'lek | Jabba's Organization (Tatooine) | Ak-rev | Weequay

Tags (10)

Calrissian, Lando | Rebo, Max | Ortolan | D'an, Barquin | Bith | Shawda Ubb | Tivtotolon, Rapotwanalantonee | Kitonak | Tatooine | Max Rebo Band

Jedi Rocks (ROTJ)
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ)
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ)
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ)
Jedi Rocks (ROTJ)

Last updated: 18.10.2021 23:05:48